Show: You The Owner's Manual w/ Dr. Michael Roizen

Jane Fraser
RealAge Tips: From Blood Sugar to Stuttering
Topic Info
Jane Fraser, president of The Stuttering Foundation and co-author of "If Your Child Stutters: A Guide for Parents", delves into the real reasons why people stutter and discusses the most effective methods of therapy.

Plus, RealAge Tip of the Week - Dinner Option That Whittles Down Stroke Risk
Guest Info
Jane Fraser, president of The Stuttering Foundation, co-author of If Your Child Stutters : A Guide for Parents, 8th edition. Since its founding in 1947 by Malcolm Fraser, the Foundation has provided comprehensive, up-to-date help to millions of people for whom stuttering is a concern.
Book Title
If Your Child Stutters: A Guide for Parents
Dr. Mike Roizen
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