Show: Ask Dr. DeSilva

Shelley Peterman Schwarz
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness
Topic Info
March is National MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Awareness Month. Bestselling author, Shelley Peterman Schwarz joins the show to discuss the challenges of living with a disability and some of the best ways to live life in spite of health challenges. She will also talk about HOPE Trials, a program meat to improve the life of individuals suffering from a wide array of debilitating conditions. Shelley has lived with MS for 30 years.
Guest Info
Shelley Peterman Schwarz graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and was a teacher of the hearing impaired in the Madison (WI) Metropolitan School District for 13 years. In 1979, Shelley learned that she had multiple sclerosis. Shelley is a motivational speaker and award-winning writer and author. Her “Tips for Making Life Easier™” have appeared in numerous media outlets including the A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul, Family Circle, Arthritis Today, Neurology Now, Momentum, NPR, and the Discovery Channel.
Dr. Derrick DeSilva
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