Patient Empowerment; How To Start A Conversation With Your Doctor Featured
Show: Sports Medicine & Fitness Show
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Pam Peeke, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.P.
Exercise is Medicine Month
Topic Info
Pam Peeke, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.P, the national spokesperson for the American College of Sports Medicine's Exercise is Medicine global campaign, comes on the show to discuss this massive campaign which calls on all Doctors to assess and review every patients physical activity program at every visit and counsel patients on their exercise regimens, and disseminate information on how physical activity can be an integral part of any patient’s healthcare program.
Guest Info
Dr. Peeke is a Pew Foundation Scholar in Nutrition and Metabolism, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland, and a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. While a senior research fellow at the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Peeke and her team investigated the effect of chronic stress on human intra-abdominal adipocytes, furthering our understanding of the stress-fat connection. Dr. Peeke is the Chief Medical Correspondent for Discovery Health TV, hosting the award winning National Body Challenge and Could You Survive? series. Her multimedia healthy lifestyle program on the Discovery network is followed by over a million families each year. She is a New York Times bestselling author, a member of Oprah's O Team of medical experts, and is a regular medical commentator for the national networks. Dr. Peeke is also the chief healthy lifestyle expert for WebMD's 50 million members. A marathoner and triathlete who is known as the doc who walks the talk, Dr. Peeke is the national spokesperson for the American College of Sports Medicine's Exercise is Medicine global campaign and Chair of EIM's Media Committee.
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