Raising Responsible, Resilient, Self-Sufficient Teens in the 21st CenturyRaising Responsible, Resilient, Self-Sufficient Teens in the 21st Century Popular

Show: Healthy Children - The Talk Show for Parents

Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg
Teens and Problem Solving
Topic Info
Kenneth Ginsburg, M.D.,a pediatrician specializing in Adolescent Medicine at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, comes on the show to discuss how parents can help guide their youth to develop their own solutions to problems. He will give valuable advice on a proactive plan-of-attack for all parents who find themselves at a loss when considering the “whens” and “hows” of parenting in the 21st century.

By asking themselves three simple questions--is it safe? Is it practical? Does it meet my standards for morality and decency?—parents can then begin a thoughtful evaluation of how to address the inevitabilities of parenting: Whether it’s getting a cell phone for their child, letting them stay at home alone, or drive with friends, parents can approach each “situation” without fear, with an open mind, and most importantly, with a planned strategy.
Guest Info
Kenneth Ginsburg, M.D., is a pediatrician specializing in Adolescent Medicine at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine . He also serves as Director of Health Services at Covenant House Pennsylvania, an agency that serves Philadelphia’s homeless and marginalized youth. His research over the last two decades has focused on guiding youth to develop their own solutions to problems and to teach clinicians how to better serve them. He developed the Teen-Centered Method, a mixed qualitative/quantitative methodology that enables youth to generate, prioritize, and explain their own ideas. Dr. Ginsburg has more than 90 publications, including 23 original research articles, clinical practice articles, three books, and internet-based and video/DVD productions In Dr. Ginsburg’s adolescent medicine practice, he cares for a wide variety of medical conditions, while addressing adolescent behavioral issues at the same time. He practices medicine with special attention to prevention and the recognition that social settings and stressors impact upon both physical and emotional health.
Melanie Cole, M.S.
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