Urgent Care vs. Emergency CareUrgent Care vs. Emergency Care

Show: 911: Emergency Talk Radio - brought to you by ACEP

Dr. David Sklar
ER in Crisis: Fact or Fiction?
Topic Info
What is urgent care and what is the difference between urgent care and emergency care? Dr. Savid Sklar joins Dr. Leigh to help outline the differences between the two. Dr. Sklar will discuss when a person should seek emergency care versus urgent care.
Guest Info
Dr. David Sklar a member of ACEP’s Board of Directors. He is also associate dean for graduate medical education and designated institutional officer for the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. In this position, Dr. Sklar provides leadership for the graduate medical education programs of the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center. He previously served as senior associate dean for clinical affairs at UNM School of Medicine, as well as chairman of the department of emergency medicine and the George Key Professor of Emergency Medicine and professor of internal medicine. During his 28 years as a member of ACEP, Dr. Sklar served on the editorial board for Annals of Emergency Medicine. At the state level, Dr. Sklar has served in numerous leadership roles, including president of the New Mexico Chapter of ACEP and co-chair of the Chapter's Continuing Education Committee. Dr. Sklar has a strong interest in international health and has been involved in medical projects in Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, Ecuador, Tanzania, Nepal, New Guinea and the Philippines. Dr. Sklar earned his medical degree from Stanford University and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at the University of New Mexico and his fellowship in critical care and emergency medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.
Dr. Leigh Vinocur
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