House Calls for Homeless Kids Featured

Show: You The Owner's Manual w/ Dr. Michael Roizen

Randy Christensen, MD
Healthcare for Homeless Kids and RealAge Tips
Topic Info
Randy Christensen, MD, author of "Ask Me Why I Hurt", talks about his moving work as a mobile pediatrician traveling in his Winnebago-turned-doctor's-office to provide much-needed medical care to homeless kids and teens.

Plus, RealAge Tip of the Week - Eat Like a Viking to Live Longer
Guest Info
Randy Christensen, M.D., is a staff physician at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Since 2000, he has been the medical director of Crews’n Healthmobile, a mobile medical clinic that provides primary and comprehensive medical care to homeless children. Dr. Christensen has been the recipient of several awards for his work, including the CNN Heroes award and People Magazine’s “Heroes Among Us.” He lives in Phoenix with his wife, Amy, also a pediatrician, and their three children
Book Title
Ask Me Why I Hurt: The Kids Nobody Wants and the Doctor who Heals Them
Book Publisher
Broadway Books
Dr. Mike Roizen
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