The Recommended Quality And Quantity Of Exercise
Show: Sports Medicine & Fitness Show
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Carol Ewing Garber, Ph.D., FAHA, FACSM
ACSM's New Guidelines on Quality and Quantity of Exercise
Topic Info
The dawning of the new millennium a year ago brought with it a new edition of ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. The sixth edition of the handbook has revisions that are both strikingly evident and others that are more subtle. Carol Ewing Garber, Ph.D., FAHA, FACSM, comes on the show to discuss these new recommendations and explain how they can help us as a nation to be healthier and have more energy.
Guest Info
Carol Ewing Garber, Ph.D., FAHA, FACSM is the associate professor of movement sciences and the director of the graduate program in applied physiology at the Teachers College at Colombia University. Garber has a Ph.D. in exercise physiology from the University of Connecticut, Storrs. She is a Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Certified Preventive and Rehabilitative Exercise Program Director, Certified Fitness Instructor, and Certified Exercise Test Technologist. Her scholarly interests include the role of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, community and clinical interventions to promote physical activity, novel delivery systems for providing clinical exercise physiology interventions, and physical activity and aging.
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