Show: Health Talk Radio w/ Melanie Cole M.S.
Topic Info
The May issue of Consumer Reports features a series of reports on the burgeoning market for products promising to turn back the clock on aging. With the exception of hair dyes, which cover the grays nicely for a reasonable price, the "fountain of youth" products tested by Consumer Reports Health serve up mostly hype. The reports are embargoed until Tuesday, April 6, 6am Eastern.
To see if baldness remedies really work, Consumer Reports Health turned to the opinions of more than 8,000 subscribers. More than half of the men polled by CR said that baldness products were overhyped. Consumer Reports Health also put nine face serums to the test finding that results were inconsistent and overall, the products deemed most effective barely had an impact despite their price tag. CR notes that you're better off using sunscreen and moisturizer to protect your face.
Guest Info
Jamie Kopf Hirsh is an Associate Editor in Consumers Union’s (CU) Editorial division, covering health topics for Consumer Reports magazine, and CU’s monthly health newsletter, Consumer Reports on Health. Her feature articles and columns cover a breadth of health issues, from nutrition, fitness, and disease prevention to alternative medicine, drug safety, and controversial dietary supplements. She also serves as a spokesperson the AdWatch project, a series of video critiques of direct-to-consumer drug advertisements. Ms. Kopf Hirsh received an award for media reporting excellence from The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons for a survey-based report on hip and knee replacement. She came to Consumers Union in August of 2002 after a year-long media internship at CU’s Southwest Regional Office in Austin, Texas. Before coming to Consumers Union full-time, Ms. Kopf Hirsh was a graduate student at the University of Texas (UT) at Austin, where she earned an MA in journalism and worked as a staff reporter for the Daily Texan, UT’s award-winning student newspaper. Her freelance work has appeared in the Texas Observer and New Orleans’ Gambit Weekly.
Melanie Cole, M.S.
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