Show: Ask Dr. DeSilva
Olympic Gold Medalist Kristi Yamaguchi
Keep Yourself Flu-FreeThis Winter
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Olympic Gold Medalist Kristi Yamaguchi joins Dr. DeSilva to discuss the importance of getting a flu shot.
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Olympic Gold Medalist Kristi Yamaguchi takes her career as a figure skater seriously. Yet, since her victory on “Dancing with the Stars,” and experience as an American role model, she has taken on an even more serious role in life – a mother. As the mother of 2 young children, Kristi knows that influenza immunization is a must for everyone in her family. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older receive an influenza vaccination each and every year. Annual flu vaccination is especially important for those who are at a higher risk for developing complications associated with influenza, including women who will be pregnant during influenza season and children 6 months-18 years of age, as well as those in close contact with high-risk groups. Close contacts include parents, grandparents, siblings, babysitters, child care providers, and health-care personnel. “When my daughter Emma was born, my doctor gave me a flu vaccination before I left the hospital to help prevent spreading this serious disease to my newborn infant,” said Kristi. “Since then, I make sure we all get vaccinated every year. This includes my husband, my 2 daughters, and even the grandparents in our family.” “My doctor stresses the importance of annual flu vaccination to maintain my health as an athlete. But now, as a mother, I realize my whole family needs to be immunized, and that’s a responsibility that I take seriously.”
Dr. Derrick DeSilva
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