Men's Urological HealthMen's Urological Health

Show: 911: Emergency Talk Radio - brought to you by ACEP

Dr. Jeffrey Sankoff
Men's Health
Topic Info
Men’s urologic health is critical. For many men, urological issues are the reason they go to the ER. Sometimes these medical problems are a sign of a more serious health conditions issue. Our expert will be here to discuss these important issues related to men’s health such as sexual function and prostate health. As well as discuss what men can do to take care of their urological health and prevent any problems.
Guest Info
Dr. Jeffrey Sankoff is an Emergency Physician at Denver Health Medical Center and an Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He is originally from Montreal, Canada where he trained in Emergency Medicine and did a fellowship in Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Sankoff has been an invited speaker for both regional and national American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) meetings as well as for the American Acacemy of Physician Assistants (AAPA). Dr. Sankoff is an avid skier, hockey player and triathlete. He has completed two Ironman races, numerous half-ironmans and many triathlons of shorter distances. He is currently the co-medical editor of Triathlete Magazine and writes a column entitled 'Medically Speaking'.
Dr. Leigh Vinocur
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