Arn Strasser, DC
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care
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Chiropractic is more than a series of pops and cracks—it’s a reputable non-surgical treatment option. Chiropractic care can effectively help relieve your back and neck pain using a series of gentle techniques that manipulate your spine.
Guest Info
Dr. Arn Strasser is a chiropractor who specializes in the non-force, non-surgical treatment of disc conditions in the neck and low back (Cox protocol), gentle and non-force chiropractic care of neck and back injuries and pain, conservative management of migraine and headaches, and gentle chiropractic care for children.
Dr. Strasser practices in Portland, Oregon, at the Strasser Chiropractic Center. He graduated from Michigan State University with Bachelors and Masters degrees and received his doctorate in chiropractic from Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon. Throughout his career, Dr. Strasser has had an active interest in holistic health. In his practice and in writing, he has emphasized the need to see the back and joint patient as a whole person with lifestyle, nutritional and stress factors as important components in successful care.
Deborah Watson
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