Stepfanie Romine, co-author of Spark People Cookbook: Love Your Food, Lose the Weight, editor of the Blog (America's largest weight loss website), and avid Yogi believes that loving your food and losing weight aren't mutually exclusive. This isn't a "diet" book full of food you'll never want to cook again if you hit your weight loss goal. It supports a long term, sustainable, healthy lifestyle anchored by foods that you and your family love. Stepfanie joins Dr Friedman to discuss her new cookbook and share with us how a fun, healthy lifestyle can be yours, without giving up great food.
Guest Info
Stepfanie Romine is editor of and, SparkPeople's healthy living blog, where she writes about topics such as cooking, yoga, and stress relief. She is the co-author of "The SparkPeople Cookbook: Love Your Food, Lose the Weight" (Hay House, October 2011). An avid runner and longtime practitioner of Ashtanga yoga, she became a certified yoga teacher in 2009. She joins the show to discuss the new cookbook she co-authored with Chef Meg (one of only 20 female World Master Chefs) and how “you can have your cake and eat it too.”