Show: Swanson Health Talk Radio

Dr. Melina Jampolis
Health Benefits of Tea
Topic Info
As more and more Americans focus on keeping fit, staying young and living longer, they're changing the way they eat and drink. Many are making it a point to drink more tea. Dr. Melina Jampolis comes on the show to discuss the healthful benefits of drinking tea.
Guest Info
Dr. Jampolis is an internist and board certified physician nutrition specialist (one of only a few hundred in the country). She specializes exclusively in nutrition for weight loss and disease prevention and treatment. A graduate of Tufts University as well as Tufts School of Medicine, she completed her residency in internal medicine at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, a Stanford University teaching hospital. In 2005, Dr. Melina hosted a program on the Discovery Network's FIT TV titled "Fit TV's Diet Doctor" and she currently serves as the diet and fitness expert for She serves as a member of the advisory board and a regular contributor to Better Homes & Gardens,, and has recently joined the advisory board of Her first book, The No-Time-to-Lose-Diet, was released in January 2007 and the paperback version, The Busy Person's Guide to Permanent Weight loss was released in May 2008.
Dr. Derrick DeSilva
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