Topic Info
Dr. Anne Perkins joins the show to discuss the first Anthrozoology major offered at a US college. She will talk about the importance of the human animal bond and different elements of the program, including being assigned a dog or horse as "homework".
Guest Info
Director of Anthrozoology Major and Human-Animal Bond Program at Carroll College in Montana. The Human-Animal Bond Program was conceived and is directed by Carroll faculty member Dr. Anne Perkins, Ph. D., Professor of Psychology. Dr. Perkins has been employed as a professor at Carroll since 1990. Originally, the Human Animal Bond Program became a minor in the Psychology Department. Today it has grown into the Anthrozoology major. Dr. Perkins received her Ph.D. in animal behavior in 1992 from the University of California- Davis. Concurrent with her faculty career at Carroll, Dr. Perkins held an appointment as a cooperative research scientist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture for eight years (1992-1999). Her work in this capacity has resulted in several papers, a book chapter, and a patented drug protocal. Dr. Perkins' love of horses prompted the five years she spent researching feral horses in the Prior Mountains and drives her current passion for endurance riding. She is an active member of the International Society of Anthrozoology (ISAZ), the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA), the Delta Society, the Equine Faciltiated Mental Health Association (EFMHA), the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA), and the Equine Guided Education Association (EGEA). Dr. Perkins spends her free time at home training her border collies and riding her Arabian horses.