Prescription Drug Abuse & Teens

Show: Insider's HealthRadio

Amy Goldstein
Lock Up Your Meds!
Topic Info
Amy Goldstein joins Danika to discuss the teen prescription drug abuse epidemic.
Guest Info
Amy Goldstein is the Director of Communications for the National Family Partnership (NFP) and Informed Families/The Florida Family Partnership, Florida’s statewide affiliate of NFP. NFP is the nationwide sponsor of the Red Ribbon Campaign, celebrated in 120,000 schools across America. NFP recently developed the Lock Your Meds Campaign, in response to the growing epidemic of youth prescription drug abuse. In her role, Goldstein is responsible for managing and directing internal and external communications for the underage drinking and drug prevention focused agencies. Goldstein is formerly the Assistant Director of the Coral Gables Community Foundation, where she managed and oversaw all aspects of operations under the Executive Director. She is a devoted wife and a mother of a 16-month-old and lives in Miami, Florida.
Danika Quinn
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