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Show: You The Owner's Manual w/ Dr. Michael Roizen

James Beckerman, MD
Lose Weight for a Healthier Heart
Topic Info
Tune in to hear James Beckerman, MD, author of The Flex Diet: Design Your Own Weight-Loss Plan, explain why your best bet for lasting weight loss success is to create a personalized plan that suits your lifestyle.

Plus, RealAge Tip of the Week - Best Walking Speed for a Longer Life
Guest Info
As seen on the Today Show, the New York Post, and the Huffington Post, Dr. James Beckerman is a cardiologist with the Providence Heart and Vascular Institute in Portland, Oregon – home of the world-famous “Pink Glove Dance.” He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard University and earned his medical degree from Harvard Medical School. Dr. Beckerman completed his medical training at Massachusetts General Hospital and Stanford University Hospital. He serves on the Oregon Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and is the team cardiologist for the Portland Timbers Major League Soccer team.Dr. Beckerman provides his expertise at WebMD, Lifescript, Medhelp, and many other websites, and frequently serves as an expert for print and television.
Book Title
The Flex Diet: Design Your Own Weight-Loss Plan
Dr. Mike Roizen
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