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Show: Swanson Health Talk Radio

Steven Karageanes, DO
How to Keep the Men in Your Life Healthy All Year Long
Topic Info
President-Elect of the American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine, Steven Karageanes, DO joins the show with some tips to keep the men in your life fit and healthy.
Guest Info
Steven Karageanes, DO, FAOASM is currently the President-Elect of the American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine and the program chair for their 2011 Annual Conference. He authored the textbook “Principles of Manual Sports Medicine”, the ?rst book done by physicians on utilizing manual medicine in the sports setting. He is currently producing a musculoskeletal exam video series for the Council on Osteopathic Medical Education in Sports Medicine. In addition, Dr. Karageanes also started and directed the primary care sports medicine fellowships at Henry Ford Hospital and Oakwood Healthcare Systems from 2000-2008. He currently serves on the editorial board of the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine and has published multiple chapters in the Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine and He is a member of AOASM and IADMS (International Association of Dance Medicine and Science). Dr. Karageanes graduated from the University of Michigan in 1991, then Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1995. He did his one-year internship at Mount Clemens General Hospital, then his family practice residency at Midwestern University in Chicago from 1996-98.
Dr. Derrick DeSilva
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