Nutrition and Running: The Ultimate Aid to Weight LossNutrition and Running: The Ultimate Aid to Weight Loss

Show: Sports Medicine & Fitness Show

Lewis G. Maharam, M.D., FACSM aka Running Doc(tm)
Healthy Running
Topic Info
The American Medical Athletic Association has estimated that every year 37-50% of America’s 44 million runners suffer a running-related injury severe enough to bring them to a halt. For these runners, injury is a frustrating fate that delays their fitness, performance, and weight-loss goals. Lewis G. Maharam, MD, better known as Running Doc™, the most trusted doctor in running, joins the show to discuss healthy running practices and to guide runners to the right diagnosis and treatment for over 100 running injuries and related health problems.
Guest Info
Lewis G. Maharam, MD, is one of the world’s most extensively credentialed and well-known running health experts. Better known as Running Doc™, Maharam is the medical director of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon series, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training program, and former medical director of the New York Road Runners Club and the New York City Marathon. Dr. Maharam is a frequently interviewed expert on running and has appeared often in health and fitness magazines and on World News Tonight, Today, Good Morning America, Inside Edition, CNN, and Fox News. His popular Ask Running Doc column has appeared in Runner’s World and Competitor magazines, and he is the author of four books. Dr. Maharam is a primary care sports medicine physician with a private practice in New York City. He is chairman of the Board of Governers of the International Marathon Medical Directors Association as well as national medical director for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training Program.
Melanie Cole, M.S.
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