Green Products: Are They Considered Safe?Show: Healthy Children - The Talk Show for Parents
Dr.Carl Baum, MD, FAAP, FACMT
Poison Prevention and Treatment Tips
Each year, approximately 2.4 million people – more than half under age 6 – swallow or have contact with a poisonous substance. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has some important tips to prevent and to treat exposures to poison.
Most poisonings occur when parents or caregivers are home but not paying attention. The most dangerous potential poisons are medicines, cleaning products, antifreeze, windshield wiper fluid, pesticides, furniture polish, gasoline, kerosene and lamp oil. Be especially vigilant when there is a change in routine. Holidays, visits to and from grandparents’ homes, and other special events may bring greater risk of poisoning if the usual safeguards are defeated or not in place. Dr.Carl Baum, MD, FAAP, FACMT, comes on the show to offer life saving advice for parents and to discuss these tips that he has developed in association with American Academy of Pediatrics.
Dr. Carl Baum is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, CT. He serves as Attending Physician in the Pediatric Emergency Department at Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital. He also serves as Director of the Center for Children's Environmental Toxicology, and of the Yale Lead Program. He is board certified in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and in Medical Toxicology. Dr. Baum serves nationally as a member of the Committee on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention of the American Academy of Pediatrics. He is an author of numerous textbook chapters and peer-reviewed articles, and was an editor of the first textbook dedicated to poisoning in children, "Pediatric Toxicology: Diagnosis and Management of the Poisoned Child." He is a member of the editorial board of ToxED, an online toxicology reference.
Melanie Cole, M.S.
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