Treating Penetrating and Blunt Trauma WoundsTreating Penetrating and Blunt Trauma Wounds Featured

Show: 911: Emergency Talk Radio - brought to you by ACEP

Stephen Hargarten, MD
Trauma Care
Topic Info
We talk to Dr. Stephen Hargarten and discuss the differences in penetrating and blunt trauma care. We will learn the definition of both, as well as, the causes, emergency response and treatment. Also, some basic first aid tips will be offered if you find yourself or a loved one involved in a traumatic accident.
Guest Info
Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine and Associate Dean for Global Health at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Hargarten also serves as the Director of the Injury Research Center where several studies are being conducted related to fall-related injuries. He received his MD from the Medical College of Wisconsin and has been an active emergency medicine practitioner and injury control researcher for over 30 years. He is one of the first graduates of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health to concentrate on injury since earning his MPH there in 1984. Dr. Hargarten has published frequently in the peer-reviewed literature on injury topics. He was the first Chair of the state-wide Committee on Trauma System Development for the Wisconsin State Health Department. He is a Past President of the Society for the Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR). In addition to his clinical and research experience with injury control, Dr. Hargarten has a long history of involvement in public policy advocacy for injury control. He was Co-Chair of the State Medical Society's Health of the Public's Council and served as Chair of the Society's Injury Prevention Committee for 9 years.
Dr. Leigh Vinocur
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