On Demand

There are 132 On Demand Archives in this Category.
Topic: Lake Charles Memorial Cancer Care
Guest(s): Dr. Michael Broussard; Dr. Michael Bergeron
Seg 1 : Treating Pancreatic Cancer
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Guest(s)Dr. Michael Broussard
Topic InfoCancer that begins in the tissues of your pancreas, an organ in your abdomen that lies horizontally behind the lower part of your stomach, typically spreads rapidly and is seldom detected in its early stages—a major reason why it's a leading cause of cancer death. Dr. Michael Broussard, a medical oncologist at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital, discusses the signs and symptoms, as well as possible treatment options, for pancreatic cancer.

For more information on stress or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Broussard, call Medical Oncology Associates.
Show Date2010-09-29
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Seg 2 : Treating Brain Tumors Featured
Topic: Lake Charles Memorial Hospital Health Care
Guest(s): Dr. Jean Ancelet; Dr. Rick Edwards; Tim Eaves, RN; Kevin Haymon, RN, CPHQ
Seg 1 : The Physical Effects of Stress Featured
Seg 2 : Lupus
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Guest(s)Dr. Rick Edwards
Topic InfoLupus is a disease of the immune system that can be difficult to diagnosis. Depending on the type of lupus, symptoms can include red rashes—often on the face in the shape of a butterfly — as well as fever, joint pain or swelling, muscle pain, mouth ulcers, chest pain with deep breathing, sensitivity to sun or light, a low blood count, trouble thinking or memory problems, hair loss, fatigue and kidney problems. Dr. Rick Edwards, a resident at the LSUHSC Family Medicine Residency Program at Memorial Hospital, discusses diagnosing lupus, the varying signs and symptoms, and possible treatment options.

For more information on stress or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ancelet, call Memorial/ LSUHS Family Medicine Center.
Show Date2010-09-22
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Seg 3 : Emergency Services at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital
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Guest(s)Tim Eaves, RN
Topic InfoArriving at an emergency room with an illness or injury can be a stressful and frightening experience for you and your loved ones. Tim Eaves, RN, a registered nurse in the Emergency Room at Memorial Hospital, discusses Memorial’s emergency services—and answers questions about what you might expect during a visit.

For more information on emergency medicine at Memorial.
Show Date2010-09-22
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Seg 4 : Patient Safety at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital
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Guest(s)Kevin Haymon, RN, CPHQ
Topic InfoAt Memorial, our goal is to ensure expert medical care in the safest possible environment. Kevin Haymon, RN, CPHQ, director of quality management for Memorial Hospital, discusses how patients can play a vital role in their own safety by becoming active, involved and informed members of their own healthcare team.

For more information on patient safety at Memorial, call Memorial’s Quality Management.
Show Date2010-09-22
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Topic: Treating Wounds, GERD and Saving a Child's Life
Guest(s): Dr. Ameer Khan; Evelyn Phillips; Frank J. Marrero, MD; Lee Anna Duplechain, BSRN
Seg 1 : Wound Care at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital
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Guest(s)Dr. Ameer Khan
Topic InfoApproximately five million Americans suffer from chronic open sores that can become seriously infected, gangrenous and, in some cases, require amputation. Dr. Ameer Khan, a family medicine physician on staff at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital, discusses the prevention and treatment of chronic wounds that can linger for weeks or months without healing.

For more information on wound care or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Khan, call Family Medicine Specialists.
Show Date2010-09-15
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Seg 2 : Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at Lake Charles Memorial Hosp...
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Guest(s)Evelyn Phillips
Topic InfoFor more than 50 years, hyperbaric oxygen therapy was used primarily to help deep-sea divers recover from "the bends." In recent years, scientists, physiologists and other healthcare professionals have learned to speed wound recovery by dramatically increasing the blood oxygen levels of patients with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Evelyn Phillips, director of Memorial’s Wound Care Center, discusses the use hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

For more information on clinical wound care or hyperbaric oxygen therapy, call Memorial’s Wound Care at.
Show Date2010-09-15
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Seg 3 : GERD - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
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Guest(s)Frank J. Marrero, MD
Topic InfoGastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic digestive disease that occurs when stomach acid or, occasionally, bile flows back (refluxes) into your food pipe (esophagus). The backwash of acid irritates the lining of your esophagus and causes acid reflux and heartburn— common digestive conditions that most people experience from time to time. When these signs and symptoms occur more than twice each week or interfere with your daily life, doctors term this GERD. Frank J. Marrero, MD, a board certified gastroenterologist and internist on staff at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital, and medical director of the Digestive Health Center, discusses GERD, and its prevention, diagnosis and possible treatment options.

For more information on GERD, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Marrero, call the Digestive Health Center.
Show Date2010-09-15
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Seg 4 : Infant and Child CPR Featured
Topic: Fighting Infection
Guest(s): Bridget Boudreaux, RN, CBN; Kipp Ardoin, MD
Seg 1 : Preventing Antibiotic Resistant Infections
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Guest(s)Bridget Boudreaux, RN, CBN
Topic InfoMethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is a type of staph bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics. Most MRSA infections are skin infections that may appear as pustules or boils which often are red, swollen, painful, or have pus or other drainage. They often first look like spider bites or bumps that are red, swollen, and painful. These skin infections commonly occur at sites of visible skin trauma, such as cuts and abrasions, and areas of the body covered by hair (e.g., back of neck, groin, buttock, armpit, beard area of men). But in healthcare settings, MRSA can cause more severe and potentially life-threatening infections, such as bloodstream infections, surgical site infections, or pneumonia. Bridget Boudreaux, RN, CBN, infection preventionist at Memorial Hospital, discusses the signs and symptoms and prevention of MRSA.

For more information about infection control at Memorial.
Show Date2010-09-01
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Seg 2 : Treating Ear Infections in Children Featured
Topic: Sports Medicine at Memorial
Guest(s): Jim “Doc” Murphy, ATC, PT; Brian Harrell, MD
Seg 1 : The Role of Memorial's Athletic Trainers Featured
Seg 2 : Healthcare for the Endurance Sport Athlete
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Guest(s)Brian Harrell, MD
Topic InfoIn any sport the key factors are the physical abilities and skills of the competitor when determining the outcome—whether with a win or lose. In endurance sports, the goal is prolonged athletic output over an extended distance or for an extended period of time. Very aerobic nature, endurance sports take a lot of motivation and willpower, a strong workout routine, and a supreme level of fitness. They also present unique health challenges. Dr. Brian Harrell, a family medicine physician and assistant professor of Clinical Family Medicine at the Memorial/Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC) Family Medicine Residency Program, discusses healthcare for the endurance sport athlete.

For more information about healthcare for the endurance sport athlete or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Harrell, call the Memorial/LSUHSC Family Medicine Clinic.
Show Date2010-08-18
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Topic: Having a Baby
Guest(s): Elizabeth Phillips, RNC; Allison Hansen; Marta Benglis, RN; Ashley Bernhardt
Seg 1 : Memorial's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
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Guest(s)Elizabeth Phillips, RNC
Topic InfoAll parents go into a pregnancy hoping for the best outcome, but it’s comforting to know that Lake Charles Memorial Hospital's state-of-the-art Level III Neonatal Intensive Care provides the highest level of care should your baby need it. Specially equipped to handle newborns with the most critical medical needs, Memorial’s NICU is staffed by a team of dedicated registered nurses and neonatal nurse practitioners who provide care 24 hours a day, seven days a week, under the medical supervision of two board certified neonatologists and a pediatric intensive care specialist. Elizabeth Phillips, RN, director of Memorial’s NICU discusses neonatology and new families.

For more information, call Memorial’s NICU
Show Date2010-08-11
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Seg 2 : The Role of Midwives in Modern Medicine
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Guest(s)Allison Hansen
Topic InfoPopular long ago to guide women through the childbirth process, midwives are still in high demand for many women during their pregnancy and the ensuing birth—in spite of all the advancements in medical care. Allison Hansen, a certified nurse midwife on staff at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital, discusses midwives’ roles in modern medicine.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with a midwife or obstetrician.
Show Date2010-08-11
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Seg 3 : Recognizing the Signs of Labor Featured
Seg 4 : Obstetric Ultrasounds at Memorial
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Guest(s)Ashley Bernhardt
Topic InfoUltrasound scans are currently considered to be safe, non-invasive, accurate and cost-effective tests during pregnancy. They have progressively become an indispensible obstetric tool and play an important role in the care of every pregnant woman. Ashley Bernhardt, a registered diagnostic medical sonographer and the ultrasound supervisor at Lake Charles Memorial Hospital, discusses the obstetric ultrasound.

For more information, call Memorial’s Radiology Department.
Show Date2010-08-11
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Topic: Memorial Orthopaedics
Guest(s): Dr. Scott Hofer
Seg 1 : Treating Ankle Pain
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Guest(s)Dr. Scott Hofer
Topic InfoYour ankle — that joint where your foot and leg meet — is an intricate network of bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Strong enough to bear your body weight, your ankle joint can be prone to injury and pain. Dr. Scott Hofer, a board certified orthopedic surgeon on staff at Memorial Hospital, discusses early intervention and treatment options that are the key to relieving the pain and preventing future problems.

For more information on ankle pain or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hofer, call Orthopaedic Specialists.
Show Date2010-08-04
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Topic: Getting Treatment Beyond the Hospital
Guest(s): Mary O’Blanc
Seg 1 : Home Health Care
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Guest(s)Mary O’Blanc
Topic InfoMany patients find that their need for care does not end when leaving the hospital or doctor’s office. For those patients, care at home can be a comfort and a necessity. Mary O’Blanc with Memorial’s Home Health discusses the full range of specialized home care services that are available.

For more information on Memorial’s Home Health Care.
Show Date2010-08-04
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