How to Be Smoke-Free for GoodShow: You The Owner's Manual w/ Dr. Michael Roizen
Daniel F. Seidman, PhD
Quitting Smoking, Memory Boosting and RealAge Tips
Daniel F. Seidman, PhD, author of "Smoke-Free in 30 Days", shares the keys to his highly successful quit plan that breaks both physical and emotional dependence on cigarettes.
Plus, RealAge Tip of the Week - Could MSG Affect Your Waistline?
Daniel F. Seidman, Ph.D., author of Smoke-Free in 30 Days: The Pain-Free, Permanent Way to Quit, is a member of the Columbia University Behavioral Medicine Faculty, and a practicing psychotherapist. He is Assistant Clinical Professor of Medical Psychology at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and Director of Smoking Cessation Services at the Columbia University Behavioral Medicine Program, whose revolutionary techniques for quitting have been featured on Oprah, The Wall Street Journal and
Smoke-Free in 30 Days: The Pain-Free, Permanent Way to Quit
Dr. Mike Roizen
You The Owners Manual - SponsorsChannel Player (the latest segments)
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