How Regular Athletes Can Treat Their Energy Systems Like Olympians Featured
Show: Sports Medicine & Fitness Show
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Mark Deaton, CSCS, ABD
Bioenergetics: The Science of Athletic Ability
Topic Info
BioEnergetics is the study of energy transfer and relationships between all living systems. Mark Deaton comes on the show to explain how your body’s energy system works whenever you exercise.
Guest Info
Mark Deaton, CSCS, ABD is an assistant Professor of Exercise Science at Morehead State University in Kentucky. He is currently finishing a Ph.D. dissertation with Walden University on the relationship of exercise on the fading effects of short-term memory with cardiac rehabilitation patients. He holds a master's degree in Exercise Science from Wichita State University in Kansas and a bachelor's degree in Exercise Physiology from Western Kentucky University. He is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the National Strength and Conditioning Association and a professional member of the American College of Sports Medicine. His current research includes corporate wellness within school districts (wellness programs), childhood obesity, and bioenergetics for better performance/health.
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