The Beauty Rx Featured
Show: Insider's HealthRadio
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Your Health, The Foundation Of Beauty
Topic Info
Dr. Eva Ritvo joins Danika Quinn to talk about how healthy, active, and joyful living is the best prescription for lasting and glowing beauty. Dr. Ritvo offers helpful information about how you can improve your health in ways that directly impact how beautiful you look and feel.
Guest Info
Dr. Eva Ritvo is an internationally known psychiatrist practicing at Mount Sinai Medical Center on Miami Beach, Florida. She is also the co-author (along with Dr. Debra Luftman) of the book 'The Beauty Prescription'. Dr. Ritvo has over 20 years experience as a psychiatrist and psychotherapist and treats individual, couples and families. She is the former vice chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine where she remains as an Associate Professor on the voluntary faculty.
Book Title
The Beauty Prescription
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